11 November 2018 marks a 100 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War. A time for reflection. A day to remember those that gave their lives and those who were forever maimed physically and mentally, along with their families and the future generations. Also the effect this terrible war had on the social and economic structure of Great Britain and the rest of Europe, which changed the future for all of us.

We hope that you are appreciating the poppies that have been placed on the lamp posts around the Estate. Our Estate is not provided with poppies by the council or any of the other local group and so the Committee took the decision to fund and errect them and hopefully we will be able to use them for a number of years. We would like to remind you of the Remembrance Sunday commemoration. Every house should have received a supply of tea lights. You may decide on putting them in glass jars or some wide plastic container with water/gravel or something, bearing in mind the heat that will be generated. The idea being that we light up the Estate at ground level at the perimeter of the properties. We will be having a get together at the crossroads of Shakespeare / Elizabeth / Queens at 6pm on Sunday evening where we will sound The Last Post and take part in a silence. Following which we hope you will take a walk around the Estate to view the lights and use the time to reflect on the sacrifices made during WW1 and all other wars by those involved and all others touched by war as a participant, loved one, or decendant.

We appreciate your support and hope you will be able to take part in one way or another on Sunday

Margaret Smith with a soldier made by Brian Smith to be displayed at the crossroads weather permitting.

A Poppy Tree

A poppy tree made by Dave and Sue’s daughter at : Castle Way. The poppies are all hand made.

Many of you will have your usual remembrance services to attend in the morning and so we have decided to work around this. 

Your Tudor Estate Residents Association has purchased some of the big poppies that go on the lamp posts to put around the Estate. We have done this as they can be used during the coming years and we felt the expense was justified. These will go up towards the end of October. 

Our intention is to have an evening event on Sunday 11 November. We will be delivering to each house a small supply of tea lights in advance of the 11. We hope that everyone will join in by lighting the front edge of their properties with the tea lights by 6pm. Those that wish to can then take a quiet walk around the Estate at 6pm and take the time to reflect on the sacrifices made by our forefathers during that dreadful period in history We would suggest that the cut off bottoms of transparent plastic bottles upended with a small amount of earth or stones for weight might be the most suitable way of shielding the tea-lights from the wind. We hope to supply 8- 10 lights per property so start saving your bottles/jars now. Please can you be sure to dispose of the refuse afterwards and if you do use glass jars we need to be careful that they are not broken and cause injury to animals.