Assemble at Junction of Elizabeth Way & Queens Way - Decorate your bike, scooter, pram with lights and walk, ride around the estate meet
Winners of the 2023 competition
On Friday 1st December 2023 Opens at 7:30pm Quiz starts at 8pm until 10pm
Bring a plate of food , Drinks and chairs
Please decorate your bike, prams, clothes and come walk around the estate. Mince Pies and Mulled wine, donations to Shooting Star
Only TERA Members can win this competition.
Please buy tickets from committee members
Fun and celebration for the family and bring a plate to share with your neighbours. Quiz, games and raffle.
Decorate your bike, scooter, pram with lights and walk, ride around the estate meet at 6.30pm at the cross roads.
See our News item for more details