The membership year for TERA runs from 1st June to 31st May each year.  Annual subscription is £5 per house on the estate.

If you are not currently a member and want to join please complete and return the form in the Spring Newsletter posted through your door beginning of April 2023.  Please pop it back in the envelope provided (sealed) and return by the 1st June to either of these addresses below:-

  • 10 Moat Side, 
  • 3 Elizabeth Way or 
  • 13 Queens Way

You can pay by

  • Cash Please put your payment and details in the envelope provided with your renewal form, seal it and submit to the addresses above
  • AGM - You can of course pay on the night of the AGM.  The AGM is on Tuesday 25 April at 7.30pm at the Royal Naval Association Club in Park Road, TW13 6PP 
  • Bank transfer - HSBC UK / Account Name: Tudor Estate Residents Assoc / Sort Code: 40-25-02 / Account Number: 63890082  (note: please make payment clear e.g. “for example.  “10RW Taylor” for instance for 10 Raleigh Way surname of Taylor so we can easily track who has renewed).  You can Email your intentions  to

Please Note 

All households where the membership fee has been received by 1 st June will be entered into a draw which will be held at our Christmas social. The prize is £50, a nice start to Christmas ! Remember we must have received your payment by 1 st June for your house to qualify.