On the 22 May we organised a litter pick on our estate. It was wonderful to see so many people helping clear up the estate. A big thank you to the 20 people who attended and also to Elizabeth who supplied the tea and biscuits after the litter pick.
The area that was litter picked included the whole estate and the roundabout and up to the footbridge and bus shelter next to the park.
Hounslow Council provided the litter bags and picked up the enormous amount of rubbish that was picked up the following day.
Some of the residents who helped on the day.
Not a lot to report on, with the lockdown situation, but we will be arranging an estate litter pick as soon as possible, weather permitting, but in the meanwhile I would like to thank the regulars, who have been clearing the litter, particularly from Sunbury Way, over this difficult period
Thanks to everyone who turned up on Sunday 2 June for the litter pick. It was great to see everyone who attended and help removed so much rubbish. Here are some of the volunteers who attended. Afterwards there was some well earned refreshments. Rubbish collected on Sunday. Please if you see rubbish on the estate please help and pick it up this will make sure our estate stays looking so nice.
Thanks to the people who came and helped tidy the estate. An amazing 20 bags of rubbish was collected by the litter pickers including rubbish from the A316 and around the roundabout. The team also planted 400 tulip and miniature daffodils bulbs around the estate.Thanks to Lizzy and Pat who supplied the tea afterwards.Look out for the next litter pick which will be advertised in the next news letter. Thanks to Hounslow Highways for supplying the bags, gloves and litter picks.
Please don’t park on the grass verges or let your visitors do so except in an emergency. If you are having works done to your home and the verge becomes damaged then please see it as your responsibility to put this right. It is unfair for you/your visitors to trash the verge and then the rest of us have to look at the muddy mess for months
Thanks to the residents who turned up on 21 May to help with the annual litter pick. As you can see a lot of litter was picked up and the council removed it.
Thanks to Lizzie for the refreshments.
Clean up 2016 Clean up for the Queen
We are all being encouraged to clean up our environments on the run up to the Queen’s 90 birthday. TERA have a litter picking pack supplied by the Mayor of London’s office, and the Environment Agency. A litter pick is planned for a Sunday morning sometime in April depending upon the weather. The date will be advertised and will be sent out via Email and on the noticeboards nearer the time.
Clean up 2014
On Sunday the 6 April 2014 TERA residents collected rubbish from the area this included for sale signs and about 8 bags of general rubbish. Only a few residents took part this year due to the cold weather.
The Big Clean Up - 2013
We had our first litter Pick, on Sunday 26th May 2013, and 17 residents took part, which was amazing, considering it was a Bank Holiday Sunday, and had been arranged at fairly short notice. We met at 10 am at the junction of Shakespeare and Sunbury Way, and after issuing the necessary equipment, and posing for a few photos, we split up into four groups, one covering Castle Way, one Sunbury Way, the children went off with Margaret Smith to cover Shakespeare Way, and Lizzie, Simon and Ann, went off to Lizzie’s house to organise refreshments.
The litter pick was completed by about 12.00, after which most of the group, went to Lizzie’s garden for a well earned rest and drink. I had originally planned to take the rubbish collected up to the refuse depot in Feltham, but we had collected so much, over fifteen plastic sacks, one very large road sign, some smaller signs, lengths of wood and rubble, that I made a call to Hounslow Councils, Road clearance Unit, to see if they could collect the rubbish on Tuesday, but in fact they collected it Sunday evening, which was fantastic, and a big thank you goes to Connor for arranging that. I would also like to give a big thank you to the residents who took part, all of whom agreed that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I would also say that we owe a big thank you to those residents, who have regularly picked up litter in our area on their own.
Brian Smith
TERA Secretary
It even made the papers !
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